Kadoma Report

Kadoma Rural Evangelism

The Kadoma rural project is aiming to cover the area that is the South-West of Kadoma city in Mashonaland West province. This is the area stretches from A5 road as you can see on the map covering all the area between Munyati River (bottom to left blue line) and Muzvezve
river(upper blue line). This area covers more than 22 villages, Venice Mine area, and plots. Pastor Mwale from Kadoma and his team is the one going in this missionary work and has a small group in a place called Donain indicated by a small google location circle on the upper left on the map and was starting work in Venice Mine. The place is about 40kms from Kadoma city, widely sparse with communal farmers occupying over 80% of the area. The pattern also shows that these soldiers are focusing and working along or close to the road network which connects
A5 and Empress Mine. Nothing has done yet in this place due to the current lockdown but we hope the work will kick start anytime the Lord permits.

CREN is hoping to further this work by helping this team with 4 bicycles, 200+ spoken Word books for the seed library, Agapao tablet for the Pastor, outreach tracts circa 2000 copies, complete message SD cards for their 3 outreach preachers, other communication devices and adhoc transport arrangements like bus fares support. The bicycles will assist these foot soldiers to reach further away from the main road network.